Orion – Spatial Biology Realized

Orion: Whole Slide, Multiplex Immunofluorescence Imaging 

Precision Spatial Biology: Orion unlocks high-plex spatial biology by providing biomarker depth and flexibility in a one-step stain and scan process

Tissue consists of heterogenous cell types, each with diverse functions and functional states, where spatial organization can impact patient health status. Resolving this complexity at the subcellular level has historically been challenged by image resolution, the number of targets that can be simultaneously assessed, and throughput. Orion technology breaks these barriers, providing the fastest path to whole slide, highly multiplexed biomarker imaging data.

Benefits of Orion Multiplex Immunofluorescence Imaging

  • Stain and image in hours, not days
  • High-plex, whole slide fluorescence imaging
  • Rapid, single round stain and scan
  • Subcellular resolution

Dr Pashtoon Kasi

Nature Oncogene publication: Neoadjuvant botensilimab plus balstilimab response pattern investigated
Dr. Pashtoon Kasi, Weill Cornell Medicine
Read the publication ➝

Dr Zbigniew Mikuluski

Editorial article: Quantitative microscopy for precision spatial biology: "From samples to knowledge"
Dr. Zbigniew Mikulski, La Jolla Institute for Immunology
Read the article ➝


Interview: Bringing spatial biology to the clinic: "A new lens on cancer biology"
Dr. Arutha Kulasinghe, University of Queensland
Read the article ➝

Dr Peter Sorger

Webinar: Multimodal tissue imaging and machine learning to advance precision medicine
Dr. Peter K Sorger, Harvard Medical School
Watch the webinar ➝

Dr Sandro Santagata

Webinar: Multiplexed Tissue Imaging using the Orion Platform to Reveal the Spatial Biology of Cancer
Dr. Sandro Santagata, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Watch the webinar ➝

Dr. Estefania Quesada-Masachs

Webinar: Spatial analysis and high-plex immunofluorescence to study human pancreata in type 1 diabetes
Dr. Estefania Quesada-Masachs, La Jolla Institute for Immunology
Watch the webinar ➝

Orion Delivers Fast and Reliable Precision Spatial Biology

Utilizing a swift, simple workflow, all channels are acquired across the entire slide imaging in one scan while rapid data processing enables whole slide unbiased quantitation. Quick and precise sample-to-data speed provides more time for analysis and less time spent setting up your experiment.

Save even more time by using our already validated biomarkers with the standard IHC tools you already have on your workbench.

Experience Orion:

chgeckbox High fidelity data enables actionable insights
chgeckbox Whole slide biomarker quantitation across a broad dynamic range
chgeckbox Stain and image multiple slides per day with multiplex imaging that's scalable and efficient
chgeckbox Compatible with clinical and archived samples
chgeckbox Throughput for translational and clinical studies
chgeckbox Subcellular spatial context across an entire slide in just one scan

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Rapid, straightforward workflow supports any research from translational studies to clinical trials

Orion Platform workflow

Orion utilizes flexible hardware, software, and reagents to deliver the high performance, resolution and flexibility required for research and clinical assays.

By combining speed and resolution, Orion enables comprehensive phenotypic profiling and characterization of tissue architecture, tumor heterogeneity, and the immune response for whole sections in hours, not days.

Facilitate single round immunofluorescence staining and imaging of standard FFPE or fresh frozen tissue with the additional benefits of industry standard H&E and IHC modes. Run panels from an extensive biomarker list, add in custom biomarkers, or engage our services lab for custom panels and programs.

Contact us to begin with Orion ➝

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Unlock Spatial Biology with Orion for Multiplexed Immunofluorescence (MIF)

chgeckbox High-plex, whole slide fluorescence imaging chgeckbox Flexible panel design
chgeckbox Stain and image in hours, not days chgeckbox FFPE and fresh frozen compatible
chgeckbox Rapid, single round stain and scan chgeckbox Uses standard microscope slides
chgeckbox Subcellular resolution chgeckbox Quantitative across a broad dynamic range
chgeckbox Same slide H&E imaging chgeckbox OME-TIFF open file format

Explore RareCyte Services and Products for Multiplex Immunofluorescence Imaging

Orion Imaging Instrument

Orion is a benchtop, high resolution, whole slide multimodal imaging instrument. A combination of quantitative immunofluorescence and bright field imaging enables robust spatial biology studies and biomarker quantitation.

Learn more about the Orion imaging instrument

Orion Panels

Orion Panels are tailored to streamline the development of custom, multiplex tissue panels within the Orion platform workflow. These biomarker panels are compatible with formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) or frozen tissue sections.

Learn more about Orion Panels

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