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Neoadjuvant botensilimab plus balstilimab response pattern in locally advanced mismatch repair proficient colorectal cancer

Significant tumor-shrinking activity was observed following neoadjuvant immunotherapy with botensilimab plus balstilimab (BOT/BAL) in microsatellite stable colorectal cancer (MSS CRC). Whole-slide pre-treatment biopsy and post-treatment surgically resected samples were interrogated using one-step, 13-plex imaging on the Orion spatial biology platform. Quantitative analysis was employed to measure immune cell density and proliferation index within and near the tumor for pre-treatment and post-treatment samples. Spatial biology analysis of patient samples can inform mechanisms of action, providing insight for clinical trial designs using neoadjuvant immunotherapy.

Kasi P, Hidalgo M, Jafari M, et al.
Nature Oncogene 2023
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