RarePlex Panel Kits

Circulating Tumor Cell Assays for Research

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The RarePlex Panel Kit product line includes immunofluorescence Panel Kits and Developer Kits for circulating tumor cell (CTC) characterization, including enumeration, and specific kits include additional biomarkers for in-depth phenotypic characterization.

RarePlex Panel Kits are highly validated circulating tumor cell assays designed to work with the AccuCyte® Sample Preparation System, automated slide staining systems, and CyteFinder® Instruments.

Developer Kits are single channel kits and enable you to keep up with the pace of discovery. In order to provide you with assay flexibility, Developer Kits were designed to allow the addition of 1-2 biomarkers of your choice to a Panel Kit.

RarePlex® CTC Assays: Design and Analytical Validation for Circluating Tumor Cells

Presented by Dr. Tad George, Sr. VP of Biology R&D
RarePlex Assays are sensitive, specific, and reproducible assays for CTC detection and biomarker expression. Gain insight into the principles RareCyte applies to its assay design and validation process in this 11 minute video.

Read the transcript →

RarePlex Panel Kits

RarePlex Panel Kits are designed to work the RareCyte platform for circulating tumor cell analysis and are rigorously validated for sensitivity, specificity, and precision.

Enumeration Panel Kits include markers for circulating tumor cell identification and are performed on a Ventana or Leica automated slide staining system. With a 3-channel Panel Kit, you have the flexibility to create custom assays by adding up to two biomarkers with Developer Kits.

For in-depth phenotypic characterization, RareCyte offers Panel Kits with additional biomarkers such as HER2/ER and ARv7. With the ARv7 Panel Kit, you can choose to add an additional biomarker of your choice with a Developer Kit.

To learn more about available Panel Kits from RareCyte, select your Panel Kit below.

Clinical breast cancer samples stained with the HER2/ER CTC Panel Kit. Scale bar represents 10μm

  405 488 555 647 800
Panel Kit
Enumeration Panel Kit Enumeration Panel Kit Enumeration Panel Kit Enumeration Panel Kit Enumeration Panel Kit Enumeration Panel Kit
  Nuclei CK/EpCAM CD45 CK/EpCAM, CD45, Nuclei
Panel Kit
  ARv7 Nuclei CK/EpCAM CD45 CK/EpCAM, CD45, Nuclei
Panel Kit
ARv7 Panel Kit ARv7 Panel Kit ARv7 Panel Kit ARv7 Panel Kit ARv7 Panel Kit ARv7 Panel Kit
  PD-L1 Nuclei CK/EpCAM CD45 CK/EpCAM, CD45, Nuclei
Panel Kit
HER2/ER Panel Kit HER2/ER Panel Kit HER2/ER Panel Kit HER2/ER Panel Kit HER2/ER Panel Kit HER2/ER Panel Kit
  HER2 ER Nuclei CK/EpCAM CD45 CK/EpCAM, CD45, Nuclei
*Open indicates channel may be used with a Developer Kit
Scale bar represents 10μm.

RarePlex Developer Kits for CTC Assay Development

RarePlex Developer Kits are designed to address cancer heterogeneity by enabling custom circulating tumor cell assay development for disease or assay-specific biomarker expression by circulating tumor cells. Developer Kits enable the addition of up to two biomarkers-of-interest to Panel Kits.

Keep your research current with the flexibility afforded by Developer technology.

AR and ARv7 CTC assay built with the ARv7 Panel Kit and a Developer Kit