RarePlex Developer Kits
Design your CTC assay
Panel Kits – Enumeration | ARv7| AR/ARv7 | SYP | ARv7/SYP | HER2/ER | PD-L1
Developer Kits – 405/488
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Custom RarePlex® Developer Kits for CTC Detection
Tackle cancer heterogeneity head-on with the assay creation flexibility provided by RarePlex Developer Kits. Developer Kits are single channel kits that you use with a CTC Panel Kit and your mouse or rabbit antibodies to create a custom circulating tumor cell assay for cancer detection. Kits are available for both Leica and Ventana automated staining platforms in the 405 and 488 channels.
Put the power of assay design in your hands
- Leverage validated circulating tumor cell detection assays to explore custom biomarkers for cancer cells
- Only platform where you can add multiple biomarkers to a circulating tumor cell assay
- Flexible platform enables biomarker combinations of your choice
- Kit chemistry enables using two mouse or rabbit antibodies when adding two biomarkers

Custom biomarkers can be designed into open channels for assessment on circulating tumor cells using the CTC Developer Kit

Custom CTC + EGFR + Ki67 Assay created with the CTC Developer Kit
Interested in learning more about detecting circulating tumor cells?
Customizable assays for CTC Detection with the RarePlex Developer Kit
RarePlex Panel and Developer Assays for CTC enumeration and characterization
Presented by Edward Lo, Ph.D., Scientist, Assay Development Lead. Developer technology from RareCyte enables you to add up to two custom biomarkers to your CTC assay. This 5 minute video will walk you through each step of the Developer process and provide examples of completed assays.
Presented by Arturo Ramirez, Ph.D., Director of Oncology R&D.
This 7 minute overview of RarePlex Panel Kits and Developer technology highlights available circulating tumor cell assays from RareCyte and presents an introduction to our assay design and validation.
Additional resources for the RarePlex Developer Kits